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Children’s skin

In babies and children, the ratio of skin surface area to body volume is significantly larger than in adults. Babies skin needs particularly careful protection, because it doesn’t yet have the natural acid mantle, which has a pH value of 5.5.


Baby sebamed was developed specifically for the needs of sensitive children’s skin and dermatologically tested for compatibility*. The cleansing products in the range help to protect and nourish the skin as soon as you begin washing with them, while the care products help calm and protect the delicate skin found in children.



The special characteristics of babies’ skin

  • - In babies the ratio of skin surface area to body volume is significantly larger than in adults.
  • - The dermis is thinner than in adults.
  • - The water content of the horny layer is higher, and its structure is looser.
  • - The skin hardly produces any sebum before puberty.
  • - Sweat is not able to regulate a baby’s body temperature as effectively as it does in adults.
  • - The acid mantle only begins to develop after a baby has been born and is liable to break down during childhood.


Why daily care is so important to your child

During the first few months of its life, your baby’s need for loving physical contact is especially strong. Bathing them and providing them with daily care offers you an ideal opportunity to shower them with affection. Speak tenderly to them and cuddle them frequently when changing their nappy. Impulses are sent to the nervous system and the brain via the skin, so by doing this, you will be aiding both the physical and the mental development of your child.


How does the delicate skin of babies differ from that of adults?

Baby skin is not yet as resistant as adult skin. It can be up to ten times thinner and is damaged more easily. Baby skin does not yet have the natural acid mantle either, which has yet to develop and which has a pH value of 5.5. You should therefore only use special baby care products which are compatible with the delicate skin of your youngster. Make sure you choose products that don’t remove too much oil from the skin and that support the formation of the acid mantle.


Babies’ skin doesn’t yet have the natural acid mantle, which has a pH value of 5.5.

The acid mantle protects the skin from irritants, allergens, pathogens, and from drying out, and its pH value plays a particularly important role in children’s early years. Dermatologists therefore recommend selecting cleansing and care products that match the skin’s natural pH value of 5.5.


*Please find link to access dermatological studies about the sebamed products, which are justified to the natural acid mantle of the skin – pH 5.5. Claimed effects on sensitive and problem skin are verified in tests on panels of affected test persons rather than only on healthy volunteers. Thus, risks for irritation or allergy are minimized and efficacy is maximized.

